- The first 12 years of life growth period for the body and brain. These years need a lot of
physical exercise, good home food, minimal mental tensions and lots of love and
appreciation. A major part of time may better be on play grounds. A small part of
learning may be through storytelling and reciting learnt values. No coaching classes,
no homework; just a relaxed , enjoying mind, which will have time to observe things
happening around. Doing nothing and just observing is a great teacher in itself. Let
the child learn life skills, moral values, civic sense, patriotism and social behavior
first. - From thirteen years of life, let the child learn fundamental basic essentials of life, like
financial literacy, healthy cooking, and preventive health measures; at the same time
search for the subjects that interests him the most. - Learning how to live independently, managing all household chores, emotional
stability, protective skills, and an attitude to help others in need. - Voluntary service hours for the nation to be a part of education from the 13th year of life.
Best Child Care Approach
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