Viral conjunctivitis is all over the country. It takes just 3-4 days, as our body immunity fights to eradicate it. Antibiotics are not needed.
Not all are affected . Who is spared? Those who are following the below given norms,
- Everyday: yogasan and pranayam, water intake every hour, all vitamins especially A , C and D, complete Bowel evacuation, mild Sunbath, fruits, vegetables and easily digestible cold taseer food.
- What else to do: avoid crowded places, do not touch things which are touched by everyone – door handles, railings. Isolation of infected people and keeping all their belongings away from others.
- Eye Flu Treatment: keep cold water (Earthenware) and cold milk napkins on eyes to decrease pain, itching, swelling redness. Keep a cold water napkin on the lower abdomen when empty stomach. Drink water from earthenware almost every hour. Music, meditation, rest, and happy mood will help, as it increases the tone of the parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for good health. Avoid anxiety, tension, fights and all those things which stimulate the sympathetic nervous system, as it invites diseases. Those who do not get relief in 2-3 days must consult an eye specialist.
- Myths: the infection will spread by looking at the infected person. NO – The virus is transmitted by an infected person touching his eyes, then touching an object, which is further touched by an uninfected person, who finally touches his eyes to transmit the virus.
- Never put steroid drops in infected Eyes. steroids will initially mask all the symptoms, but will finally destroy the whole eye. Always inquire about the given drops and confirm that they are not steroids.
- Those with low immunity must consult eye specialist on day one.
To watch the full video on Eye Flu