Fever with pain as severe as bone fracture and pain behind the eyes are two early indicators. Get NS1 antigen tested. Do not get platelet count and antibody tested, they come positive after 5 days.
How to prevent dengue from becoming dangerous?
Two main dangers of dengue are –
- Platelet counts going down.
- Fluid leakage due to capillary damage.
These happen after the virus infection is over and autoimmune damaging process sets in. The immune system destroys both. How do we prevent it?
Keeping vitamin D levels between 70 to 100 nanograms per ml helps in preventing autoimmune destruction. Detoxifying body through four gates i.e. defecation, urination, respiration and sweating also helps in a big way.
According to Ayurved Dengue is an excess pitt state. Kunjal-kriya or vaman i.e. vomiting after drinking substantial quantity of water, help in lowering of pitt and thus improving the health.
Restricting the diet only to fruits and vegetables helps prevent toxin generated from undigested food in intestines.
Maintaining a record of ORS and other fluids intake and urine out put gives us a fair idea of water balance in intravascular compartment.
Plane water enema for cleaning the colon and ORS enema for hydration help a lot.
During recovery period, beware of overhydration, which is equally dangerous; so looking at urine out put , start restricting oral fluids.
Watch on pulse rate with the help of pulse oxymeter will help manage the water balance of the body.
This way we can prevent Mini hospitalizations and death due to Dengue.
Dengue is a virus, so do not use antibiotics, as they kill the friendly bacteria in the intestines and thus reduce the immunity.
How can dengue be avoided?
- Keep your immunity at its best, by following the rules of Indian integrated medicine.
As as there are many asymptomatic dengue cases who are bitten but the immunity fights before the illness stats. - When the temperature rises and the mosquito menace is about to come, take out sometime to clear mosquito breeding places and kill the mosquitoes already present by electrical devices and ancient natural methods. Avoid chemical kills.