Gastrointestinal tract
Loose Motions and vomiting
Loose Motions and vomiting
Also named as diarrhea vomiting and dehydration and abbreviated as DVD.
Diarrhea kills around 300,000 children below five years of age, in India, every year.
This article will guide you for the steps to be taken to save the precious lives.
First alarm of illness is, the child refuses to eat and foul smell is noted in stools. These two signs are starting point of almost all diseases. Then vomiting starts and then loose motions start. Now vomiting decreases a little because the toxin in the body has found a way to exit.
As soon as you recognize that your child is suffering from DVD, first put cold wet napkin on his lower abdomen below naval for whole day, changing every half an hour. This will give great relief to child by decreasing body heat, which is very high in this disease, which make the child restless and dull.
Next start feeding child, one spoon every 2 minutes. First fresh lemon juice with jeera, sugar, rock salt and black pepper. Rice water, buttermilk and coconut water to follow. In the evening vegetables soup, beans being mandatory in it.
Butter milk will replace probiotics and beans and rice will replace zinc supplements.
Oral rehydration solutions, made in correct dilutions, to be given, 1 spoon every two minutes. Giving slowing prevents vomiting.
If vomiting is not stopping, give plane water enema 20 ml/kg. There after give ORS enema, in double dilution. It works wonders by correcting dehydration and makes the child active instantly,
Vitamin D 6000 IU /day with curd or vegetable soup with ghee, improves immunity and controls infection. So antibiotics are not needed majority of times. Vitamin D also improves gut motility, so expels toxins inside the intestines quickly. It helps heart pump well and many more benefits, we are unable to visualize. Bottom line is, vitamin D saves lives; it is mandatory to supplement it.
Those who can not reach hospital quickly, this method will save their child’s life.
Please circulate this as much as possible, and in all Indian Languages. Your sharing efforts will save lives. THANKS.