Do you know asthma is increasing with each passing year! WHY?
This is because there is a direct and strong association of asthma with vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D deficiency has gone up tremendously, which is now declared as a silent giant pandemic (world-wide). All those who are genetically prone to asthma are suffering. Increasing air pollution, tobacco smoke and occupational hazards are acting as the fuel in the fire. With vitamin D deficiency, respiratory infections and obesity also increase and they in-turn increase the asthma severity.
With Indian Integrated medicine (IIM), the root cause of asthma is removed. In a child, it takes just 15 days to 2 months and in an adult it takes about 6 months to 1 year to get rid of asthma completely. The main pillar of IIM is vitamin D. Detox from naturopathy and diet from Ayurveda work wonders to remove the root cause. Learning to be psychologically stable is an integral part of IIM.
Asthma is Kough and Pitta dosha according to Ayurveda. IIM balances the dosh, thus correcting all the associated problems of the body also, in one go; like obesity, mental retardation, rickets, poor bone density, recurrent infections, abdominal pain, etc.
Growth (height and weight) and development speed up and backlog is recovered.
The bottom line is, the body comes to a normal point and achieves highest stamina and potential with amazing quality of life.
Steroids are the mainstay of treatment in Allopathy, which is the best in dire emergencies but on a chronic basis, it gives multiple undesirable side effects.
· Weight gain leading to obesity.
· Increased risk of infections by decreasing immunity.
· Risk of blood pressure, heart disease and diabetes increases.
· Osteoporosis (bone thinning) and increased risk of fractures.
· Muscle wasting and weakness, which will affect stamina, urination, defecation, heart function, eye function, breathing, etc. as all these require strong muscles.
· –Risk of cataracts in the eyes increases.
· Skin thinning, easy bruising and delayed wound healing.
· Mood swings and irritability, which means the brain is getting affected and the worst effect is hippocampal sclerosis in the brain which leads to deterioration in emotional health with lesser empathy and sensitivity.
Treating with IIM is anytime more effective and safer, as here we use Vitamin D instead of steroids. There are no side effects and all the organs achieve their highest potential which ensure 180 degree superior results.
The magnitude of this problem is phenomenal. According to the Global Asthma Report 2018, an estimated 339 million people world-wide have asthma and around 14% of children worldwide have asthma. Incidents of deaths due to asthma are alarming. According to the WHO, 461,000 deaths have been reported globally in 2017.
The magnanimous problem is handled very easily with IIM.
Let us spread the knowledge so that it reaches the person desperately in need. All the countries will benefit by decreasing the sufferings, increasing the man-power and tremendous financial benefits by decreasing the requirement of medicines.