Treating epilepsy with Indian integrated medicine (IIM) is all about treating it with nature’s laws. It removes the root cause of primary epilepsy ( convulsions with no brain lesion).
Here the most important thing is to keep vitamin D levels in the normal range throughout life, which acts as a natural anticonvulsant, acting as an umbrella, protecting the brain from getting convulsions.
Second step is to Detox the body with the principles of naturopathy.
We can not detox the body before putting up the protective umbrella , as this will lead to more convulsions, because the abdomen is the toxin tank of epilepsy.
Then find out the body type according to Ayurveda and accordingly set the diet.
Once the vitamin D levels are normal and the intestines are clean, the psychology automatically comes back to normal. The depression is gone.
Allopathic medicines are the best in dire emergencies, but on a chronic basis they lead to many side effects. Bone density gradually decreases, leading to increased susceptibility for fractures. As opposed to this, IIM increases bone density, bringing it to normal and giving strong bones.
On a pure allopathic path, there are recurrent infections, as the medicines destroy vitamin D of the body, thus reducing immunity. As opposed to this, IIM increases immunity, so the person has a relatively infection free life .
With Allopathy, there is a gradual intellectual and cognitive deterioration and depression sets in; while with IIM all the functions of the brain improve and depression gradually vanishes.
In fact, the function of all the organs rises up to almost 100 %, following which the quality of life is amazing.
It takes around 8 months to set the body right, till then help of Allopathic medicines is taken , then they are gradually tapered off. The response varies with each patient, some getting instant relief in convulsions, some take a longer time.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), approximately 50 million people worldwide are suffering from epilepsy; almost 30 to 70 new cases per lakh population are added every year.
There are 4 stages in life when frequency of convulsions is more; namely pregnancy, infancy, puberty and old age and exactly, these are the times of life, when vitamin D touches trough (lowest point).
With epilepsy, the life of an individual is difficult. There is poor quality of life; education, employment, and social interactions are affected. On top of that, epilepsy-related injuries, fractures, and joint dislocations make life more difficult.
There is an urgent need to understand, experience and adopt the IIM treatment for all epilepsy patients, to give them a better quality of life, free of disease and drugs.
” FREEDOM FROM EPILEPSY” is the first book published on this subject which is available on this website, Amazon and in Child care hospital, E 103 Bakhtawar Ramnagar, Indore MP India. It can also be ordered by whatsapp request on 9826897770.