Memory and other brain functions are the most valuable treasure human beings possess.
There are two types of memory losses.
Reversible – 1) Due to stress
2) Due to Vaat
Irreversible – 1) Degeneration – Senile dementia, Alzheimer’s.
2) Post infection, post drugs, post epilepsy.
What should we do to have good memory throughout our life?
The first step is to take utmost care during pregnancy, so that brain development is complete. Nutrition, in which most important is vitamin D levels, need to be maintained at normal throughout the life, with the help of Sun bath and supplements.
Complete bowel evacuation is mandatory because there is a strong gut brain axis.
Chronobiology i.e. correct time for every activity of the day is important, as it helps brain function at its best. Some examples are sleeping early, getting up early, exercising in the morning, meals at the correct time in accordance with Ayurveda.
Some food items have the power to enhance memory like almonds, poppy seeds, fruits, vegetables, oil, ghee and easily digestible natural proteins.
Herbs – Brahmi and shankh-pushpi have been shown to improve growth of that brain area which is responsible for memory formation.
We need to understand that the myelin sheath around white matter and nerve fibers of the brain is made up of 30% protein and 70% fat, plus all the vitamins and minerals are required. Vitamin D has an important role in brain development, but unfortunately it is low in a large number of people.
Memory is all about protein formation, which occurs during sleep in the brain ; therefore sleeping at the correct time, having good quality deep sleep and for adequate hours is a must.
Exercise improves blood circulation in the brain, therefore it has an important role in brain development as well as in all the functions of the brain including memory.
Our breathing pattern has a link with memory, which has to be deep and slow, with inspiration to expiration ratio of 1 : 2 or 1 : 3.
Everyday Detox is a must as toxins inside the body hinder brain functions.
Likewise every day’s stress has be managed effectively for brain to function normally.
Entertainment is equally important to relax and rejuvenate the mind and body.
Attaching with emotions, practicing visualization, understanding logic, converting into story, narrating it to others, writing, periodical revision, avoiding multitasking, decreasing syllabus, forgetting unwanted things to free up space in the brain etc. are methods to create strong memory.
With age memory usually goes down, but if we give new tasks to the brain, they act as it’s exercise and prevents deterioration with age.
If you have a good memory till the last day of life, the purpose of this article is solved.