Today India’s population is the highest in the world. It has reached 1,434,056,205 as on 19.6.23
In the year 2022, births registered in India were 23 Million i.e. 230 L; as opposed to China, only 10 million i.e 100 L and Pakistan, just 6.4 million, i.e. 64 L.
Let us see the actual status of Indian newborns.
At present we have around 20 L blind children in India to care for.
About 1–3 out of 100 babies are born with birth defects each year, which amounts to 270 L in the whole world and 6-7 L in India alone.
Some 20,000 babies are born with congenital hypothyroidism every year; which is very high as compared to Western world. In India the ratio is very high, it ranges from 1 in 727 to 1 in 2 640; while in western countries it is as low as 1: 3000- 1: 10,000
Around 40,000 children are born with with hearing defects every year in India and about 50,000 children are born with congenital heart disease each year.
As many as 10,000-15,000 children are born with Thalassemia Major every year in India which is the highest in the world and it puts a huge burden on the health care system and our economy, as these children require blood transfusion every month from 6 months of age, for their whole life.
Sickle cell disease births are caste specific, highest being in tribal communities.
So what does India want? It wants just one or two children per family; that too absolutely normal.
Fortunately the process of having normal children needs very little but intelligent efforts. The process has to start 3 months before pregnancy. Why? Because the sperms and ova formed need to be absolutely normal. For this, the first step is to supplement all those elements, which are deficient in the body and the list begins with vitamin D and vitamin B12. Next step is to make the body free of toxins and stress. Then the dependency on medicines has to be nullified. Majority of diseases are now reversible with the help of Indian integrated medicine for example, epilepsy, hypothyroidism, diabetes, high blood pressure etc. Right type and amount of exercise is needed during pregnancy. The last but not the least is Sun bath during pregnancy which again is a very precision guided process. A book has been published on this topic, named The Golden rays – Sun bath and a Hindi version कंचन किरणे – सूर्य स्नान क्यों और कैसे, available on Amazon, on this website and in the author’s clinic.
Once the child is born, it is the responsibility of the gynecologist, pediatrician and all other attending doctors, nurses, parents and relatives to first confirm that the child does not have any problem which needs urgent treatment. We need to be very sure that the child can see, can hear and has all the organs formed in a normal way; all the endocrine glands are working normally, specially thyroid and adrenals. Screening for thalassemia and sickle cell anemia is needed if the parents have the disease trait. The list is long and the attending doctor has the main responsibility to do a complete check up and give the parents a clean chit that their child is normal. Parents also have to be equally vigilant in asking the doctor the same question.
When all the above efforts are made, our nation will have a healthy population.
Newborn care is to be done with the responsibility of giving a healthy person to the Nation.
This is one of the selfless contributions, we can make for our Nation.
Let us join hands to make efforts for the same.
THANK YOU for reading and thinking on the subject.