Human body gets majority of elements from a healthy and balanced diet, the only element missing in it is Vitamin D, which majorly comes from Sun bath.
All organs are benefited tremendously by it.
As we have forgotten Sunbath in the process of modernization, majority of us, who wear clothes and remain indoors majority of times, are vitamin D deficient, until proved otherwise.
Therefore, there is an urgent need to learn the correct way to take Sun bath.
There are do’s and don’ts in it, as it is a two edged sword; we know it has tremendous benefits, at the same time it can also harm, if nature’s laws are not followed. First and foremost is, never expose head and Eyes to Sun; exposing head is a cause for headache and exposing eyes is a cause for cataract.
Different Seasons have different timings for Sun bath and different body types, according to Ayurveda, also have different duration and timings. There are some strict contraindications for Sun bath, fever is one of them.
Pharmaceutical companies will never campaign for Sun bath because there is no commercial benefit, instead they will suffer a loss because the diseases will go down, but they are promoting sunscreen lotions which gives them huge commercial benefit. They are forgetting, pharmaceutical people are also human beings and they also require Sun bath.
There is an urgent need to modify our lifestyle and keep Sunbathing as an important daily routine.
A book on the subject is written by me, after gaining good long 12 years experience, which is available on this website, Amazon, Child care hospital and by WhatsApp request on 98 268 9 7770
Wish you a fruitful lifelong Sunbathing!
The golden rays – Sun bath why and how – in English
Kanchan Kirane – Surya snan Kyon aur kaise – in Hindi
Wishing you fruitful Sun-bathing