Swati, 24 years lady, had poor stamina, body ache and felt lazy all the time, with occasional constipation, hard stools and incomplete evacuation. There was back pain, with pain in one leg. Her TSH was 9.32, very high, which means thyroid gland was unable to produce thyroid hormone and we label the state as hypothyroidism.
Her tongue was heavily coated, which means defecation is incomplete. She had mild anemia and her lower abdomen is warm, which again means defecation is incomplete and the body type is warm.
Her vitamin D level was 42.4 ng per ml, which is below the normal levels of 70- 150 ng/ml. Her vitamin B12 level was to 297 pg per ml, which was also below the normal (500 to 900 pg/ml)
She was supplemented with Vitamin D and vitamin B12 and lifestyle modifications were added according to her pitt state of Ayurveda. A detox plan according to Naturopathy was given and counselling for emotional balance according to concepts of psychology was done.
After 3 months TSH was repeated and as a pleasant surprise it was now 3.34; in normal range. Indian integrated medicine has successfully reactivated the thyroid gland in just 3 months. The quality of life has significantly improved because all missing elements are now replenished and the toxin in the body is thrown out. Adding a correct diet plan and psychology work wonders. The body has come to a normal point, where all the organs will function at their maximum potential.
In such a situation, in allopathy we start with thyroxine tablet which is a replacement for the hormone produced by thyroid gland. This way the gland becomes more lazy, as readymade hormone is given to the body. The errors in the body remain the same and they now start targeting other endocrine glands. The quality of life becomes very poor.
Replacing thyroxine hormone, when conditions are not correctable, is logical but when thyroid gland can be reactivated, efforts should be made first, to bring back the gland to normal state.
A video on vitamin D and thyroid association will soon follow.