If body wants to throw out unwanted elements in form of vomiting, please assist it by drinking more water and vomiting it out. This is called vaman or Kunjal – kriya in Ayurved & Naturopathy.
Stopping vomiting by medicines is like working against body.
Vomiting helps normalizing body. We have to experience it to believe it.
Child sleeps comfortably after vomiting, sometimes fever comes down after vomiting and starts playing.
After 2-3 sessions of drinking water and vomiting it out, foul smell in vomitus decreases. Toxins have been thrown out of body. Body is intelligent enough to stop vomiting on its own after detox is complete from upper end. If body still continues to vomit, anti- vomiting medicines can be given.
Putting tap water napkin on lower abdomen, brings down excess Pitt, helping stop the vomiting and decreasing restlessness.
The best way to bring back water and electrolyte balance during persistent vomiting at home is ORS enema. Please refer to the method. Child feels relaxed after vomiting and energized after ORS enema.
Fresh lemon juice as first drink helps in many ways. Give it slowly in sips. It has innate property to stop vomiting, it decreases pitt, all additives like sugar, rock salt, cumin, black pepper etc act to bring back body to normal.
Monitor urine output. Seven times in 24 hours, white colour, good amount is sign of normal water balance.
If child is not recovering, then complex reasons for vomiting have to be searched for, like brain, kidney, liver, structural abnormalities requiring operation etc. Projectile, forceful vomiting, green vomiting, blood vomiting and decreasing alertness are red flag signs needing urgent investigations.